Saturday, January 13, 2007

My New Spreadsheet

I found the spreadsheets and immediately had to do one. I've listed all of the books I have to read from B&N's Book of Great Books. Then I listed the books The Classics Club has read. And, as if I didn't have anything else to do, I became very interested in a couple of the books they read before I joined. The Bridge on the Drina in particular. Oh, well. I'll just have to rearrange my schedule. I'll just have to use my Friday's at Greenshadows exclusively for books. Let the Spanish study fall where it may.


Stephanie said...

Kimmie....How cool is this?? I love it!! Man...I'm going to have a whole list of Classic bud's blogs very soon. I'm adding you to my favorites!

Anonymous said...

Great blog, Kimmie. I think you are already organized!

Chris said...

Hey, Kimmie! Welcome to blogging.