Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Book in Me

You're Mrs. Dalloway!

by Virginia Woolf

Your life seems utterly bland and normal to the casual observer, but
inside you are churning with a million tensions and worries. The company you surround
yourself with may be shallow, but their effects upon your reality are tremendously deep.
To stay above water, you must try to act like nothing's wrong, but you know that the
truth is catching up with you. You're not crazy, you're just a little unwell. But no
doctor can help you now.

Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

I like it!!!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

B & N Book Club

Good news. Barnes and Noble's book clubs are starting a Shakespeare club. First up will be "A Midsummer Night's Dream". That's off my list. I can't lose. Either I've read it and can join the discussion or I need to read it. There are 13 plays on my list but I've only read 3 (or 5 if you count Hamlet and Macbeth--I don't since I plan to read them again. You get more with each reading and it's been about 10 years.) Plus I already have the DVD and I have study notes so I'm good to go. The only problem is this will have to be done at home because there is no way I'm going to be lugging the leather bound "Complete Works of Shakespeare to work with me every day.

B&N is also having author led discussions on "The Memory Keeper's Daughter" with Kim Edwards and "The Boleyn Inheritance" with Philippa Gregory. I plan to join one of these also though I haven't decided which one. I've been so wrapped up in classics I've forgotten to read modern.

I've got to get to work on Plato's Republic. I've got to get that monkey off my back.

So for Febuary I have "A Midsummer Night's Dream", "House of Mirth", "Republic" and whichever modern I choose. Now that I've gotten caught up with all my New Year projects I think I can do it


Resolution Success

I'm doing well with my resolutions this year. I've finished my brown afghan. The sage afghan just needs to be whip stitched together. I started the towel to go with the Goose Girl picture in the bathroom and I have made a good deal of progress on it. I also gave away a plastic canvas project I don't want to do.
I got behind on the e-mail but I went through 110 yesterday. I caught up with the magazines and I caught up with the book club, although Oprah's site is down this morning so I can't post. I've been kinda doing recipes. I've been adapting with what's on hand. But I gotta say I did not like the fish. I think that's mainly because I don't particularily like fish. It was baked with crushed garlic and lemon-pepper. Nothing too earth shaking there but I threw it all out. But I've got my eye on an asparagus quiche for this weekend. Yum!
I've kept up (mostly) with my diet journal. I've lost three pounds. I only have three pieces of candy in the house. No cookies or ice cream. I don't want to think about that.
I didn't manage to get into reading "The Jungle" for the Barnes and Noble bookclub. I will, however, probably join whatever book discussion Oprah chooses. And I'm going to finish P;ato's Republic if it kills me. Which I think is a real possibilty. Kimmie

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Winter Storm

I got a free day off today. They were expecting icy roads so Waste Management shut down. And I have spent the last two days bundled under my FINISHED brown afghan. I caught up with TCC and also researched and wrote my book nomination.

I finished the brown afghan and got to the next quickest project I have started, which is the leaf coasters. As I stated in another post, I was to finish them and then pack them away with the other fall decor. But as I worked on the first I decided they were too small for coasters and were ugly to boot. Plus the fact I hate working plastic canvass brought me to my senses. Why do them? So I'm going to give them to my niece or my sister and move on to something I actually want to do.

On the green doilie front, I went to Hobby Lobby for the thread. They don't have it either. That just leaves Michaels. I don't have high hopes, but I do have enough iminagination to make up my own finish. But it is aggravating. Now I'm wondering if I shouldn't start stockpiling the blue before it's gone too. The trouble is I don't know how much I'll need. The table cloth is huge and I'm making up the patterns for the sheers. All I know for sure is the four rolls I have here will never be enough.


Saturday, January 13, 2007

My New Spreadsheet

I found the spreadsheets and immediately had to do one. I've listed all of the books I have to read from B&N's Book of Great Books. Then I listed the books The Classics Club has read. And, as if I didn't have anything else to do, I became very interested in a couple of the books they read before I joined. The Bridge on the Drina in particular. Oh, well. I'll just have to rearrange my schedule. I'll just have to use my Friday's at Greenshadows exclusively for books. Let the Spanish study fall where it may.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


I've finally got all my Squirl entries done. It really got old. I was so sick of doing it. I have 431 items in my master library. I've got two more box sets to do, but they don't count because I just bought them today. I struggled to get my old stuff in. The new stuff will go in as I get it...Starting tomorrow!!!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Craft Set-backs

Well, I'm trying to get the crafts organized but life isn't helping. I went to Walmart to get the supplies needed for a few projects and had a problem. The were out of one of the cross-stitch colors. And they've either stopped making the green crochet thread or Walmarts is just going to quit carrying it. Either way they've no longer kept the tag up for it. So here's hoping Hobby Lobby or Michael's has it.

Of course, with my luck, the company quit manufactoring the color. That's what happened with Callie's tablecloth. After it hit about 51/2 ft diameter I couldn't get anymore yellow and had to pull out several rows and create my own finish rounds. I must say my solution was just as good as the written instructions anyway.

But, now I have to make mine and I'm doing it in blue. Will the company quit manufactoring that color too? I've got about 1 1/2 ft of it done with about 5 rolls of blue thread waiting in the drawer. Which means I probably need a dozen or so more. If they quit this color I'm truely screwed.


Saturday, January 6, 2007

New Year Resolutions

I'm going to spend this year organized. I spent three days getting all my ducks alighned and I'm now ready to face the year. I have gotten my spreadsheet ready for the years budget. I have organized my kitchen. And I have gathered all my started craft projects together and formed a plan to get them finished. My original thought was to finish two projects for everyone started but after getting them together I realized I have 14 jobs started. So I won't be starting anything else for a while. The good news is I'll have three done by the end of the month. That would be the brown wallowing afghan, the green "keepsake doilie" and the leave coasters.

I'm redoing my living room and all of the fall, leafy geegaws are getting put up so I have to finish the leaf coasters so they can go into the box. Is it crazy to do something just to put it out of sight? I have my reasons, but it still seems odd.
