Thursday, March 13, 2008

Booking Through Thursday-Playing Editor

Booking Through Thursday

How about a chance to play editor-in-chief? Fill in the blanks:

__________ would have been a much better book if ______________________.

Notes on a Scandal would have been a much better book if it had had an ending.

Naturally, the most recent books came to mind first. I have even posted this one on my blog. When I finished it I jut thought "Is that it?" Everything felt up in the air to me. Which is a shame because I really got into the book and liked it up to the last page.


gautami tripathy said...

Have not heard of it, so cant comment. But a few books leave us unsatisfied!

Here is my BTT post!

gautami tripathy said...

BTW, I have added you to my blogroll!

Juli said...

I read Notes on a Scandal and don't remember how it ends...I guess that says something!